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His endless throat and insatiable hole can please any hung top as it milks their man meat until orgasm. I call Ty the “Throat Goat” and all you gotta do is watch the first 5 minutes of this 40min fuck-athon to understand why. They had already been talking on social media so I knew this was gonna be a hot fuck session. Lydian is our newest hung, hairy stud who got the pleasure of dicking down one of our fan favorite power bottoms, Ty. To complete a perfect morning, Sven sucks Kieran’s dick and then swallows his cum. Sven bends over and easily takes the whole of Kieran’s thick cock.Īfter getting fucked from behind and riding Kieran’s cock, Sven takes his lover back to bed where they continue fucking until Sven climaxes, shooting a huge load over his stomach. He approaches his roommate and immediately gets what he wants: Sven’s beautiful ass. There is one big advantage to sharing a room with Sven Basquiat! Kieran Benning wakes up with a hard-on and after playing with his dick for a while, realises Sven is still in the room. At least he only has his two Uncles breeding him now instead of the whole cellblock. Now that he’s out he needs a place to stay and wouldn’t you know it Uncle Will and Uncle Liam expect him to pay rent with that sweet broken-in convict hole. Four years was plenty of time for him to learn what his hole is good for. “Prison trained my hole real nice.” Young nephew Hatler used his time in lockup wisely and learned how to get along.

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